Mastering Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress

WordPress stands out as the most widely used content management platform, largely thanks to its flexibility, a trait amplified by a vast array of plugins. These plugins enhance its capabilities significantly. Among these, the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin shines as a robust tool for customizing content settings.

This detailed guide delves into ACF, exploring its features, setup process, and advanced applications. By the end, you’ll be fully equipped to harness ACF’s potential in your WordPress projects.

Installing the Free Version of Advanced Custom Fields

To integrate the free version of ACF into your WordPress site, follow these steps:

To start:

  • Open your web browser and navigate to your WordPress site. Log in using your admin credentials;
  • Head over to the ‘Plugins’ page: Click on ‘Plugins’ in the left menu, then select ‘Add New Plugin’;
  • Click on the ‘Add New’ button at the top of the ‘Plugins’ page.

Finding ‘ACF’:

  • In the search bar on the ‘Add Plugins’ page, type in “Advanced Custom Fields”;
  • Press Enter or click the search button;

Installing ACF (Free Version):

  • Locate “ACF” in the search results;
  • Click the “Install Now” button next to the ACF plugin.

Activating the Plugin:

  • Once the installation is complete, click the ‘Activate’ button.

Setting Up Advanced Custom Fields:

  • After activating the plugin, a new menu item for ACF will appear on your WordPress dashboard. Begin creating and customizing your custom fields (CF) as per your needs.

Using ACF in Your Content:

  • You can add CF to your posts, pages, or custom post types by editing them on the WordPress panel and selecting your created CF.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed the free version of ACF and can now use it to add CF to your WordPress content. This allows you to enhance your site’s functionality and flexibility by defining and displaying custom data fields.

Crafting Field Groups Using ACF

ACF empowers you to create and manage custom fields (CF) on your WordPress site. Here’s a detailed guide on establishing field groups in ACF:

  • Initial Setup of ACF Plugin: If the ACF plugin isn’t already active on your site, install and activate it following the provided instructions;
  • Navigating to ACF Control Panel: In your WordPress admin dashboard, locate and click the “Custom Fields” or “ACF” menu item. This action will direct you to the ACF control panel;
  • Starting a Field Group: Within the ACF panel, go to “Field Groups” and click “Add New” to begin creating a new field group;
  • Field Group Configuration: Name your field group for easy identification. This name is internal and won’t show on the live site. You also have the option to set location rules for where this field group will be applied. ACF provides options to display or hide fields based on conditions like post type, page template, or taxonomy. To establish these rules, select “+ Add Rule” and specify the required criteria;
  • Adding Fields: Below the group settings, there’s a dedicated area to add fields. Click on “Add Field” to start incorporating CF into your group.

Configuring Each Field: Every field has unique settings to define:

  1. Field Label: This is the label shown in the WordPress admin area;
  2. Field Name: A unique identifier for programmatic access to the field’s value;
  3. Field Type: Select a suitable field type (like text, number, image, or select) based on your needs;
  4. Field Settings: Customize the field’s behavior with specific settings;
  5. Field Options (if needed): Depending on the field type, you might need to set additional options. For example, a select field would require defining the available choices;
  6. Saving Your Field Group: Keep adding fields as required, and once completed, remember to save your field group;
  • Making the Field Group Visible: To ensure your field group appears in the editing screens of posts or pages, link it to one or more post types. In the “Location” settings of the field group, click “+ Add Rule” and choose a rule like “Post Type” for the relevant post types;
  • Integrating Fields in Posts or Pages: After setting up your CFs in ACF, they will be accessible when editing posts or pages of the selected type.

To showcase the field data on the front end of your website, leverage ACF’s functions and template tags. For example, use get_field(‘field_name’) to fetch and display the value of a particular field.

Congratulations! You’ve now mastered creating a field group with CF in ACF, making it ready for use in various post types. These fields are set to gather and exhibit additional data on your site

Maximizing Site Versatility with ACF for Various Content Types

Employing ACF across diverse content types on a WordPress platform can significantly boost the versatility and functionality of your website. ACF empowers you to design and oversee CF suitable for various types of content, including blog entries, product pages, bespoke post types, and user profiles. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

  • Determining Content Categories: Initially, assess the different types of content your site encompasses. This could include blogs, product listings, event details, team member bios, or customer testimonials, each demanding unique data handling;
  • Setting Up ACF: Confirm that ACF is installed and active on your WordPress website, as previously discussed;
  • Formulating Field Groups: Navigate to the “Field Groups” area within the ACF interface to set up distinct field groups corresponding to each type of content. This organization streamlines your CF management;
  • Incorporating CF into Groups: For every field group, input CF relevant to that specific content category. Examples include:
  1. For a Blog Post: Incorporate fields like the author’s name, publication date, and main image;
  2. For a Product: Add fields detailing the price, product description, and images;
  3. For a Team Member Profile: Include fields for the individual’s name, position, and profile picture.
  • Specifying Field Locations: Decide where these fields will be displayed in the field group settings. For example, assign the blog post field group to the “Posts” type and the product field group to a custom “Products” post type. This ensures field relevance to each content type;
  • Customizing Field Parameters: Tailor each field’s settings as needed, including type, default values, and presentation format;
  • Replicating for All Content Types: Apply this procedure for every content type, crafting unique field groups and CF that fulfill their distinct needs;
  • Content Management with CF: When creating or editing content like blog posts or product descriptions, the relevant CF will be present. Populate these with pertinent information to enhance the content quality;
  • Exhibiting CF Data: Display CF data on your site’s front end using ACF functions or template tags. The get_field(‘field_name’) function is particularly useful for retrieving and showing a field’s specific value in your theme templates;
  • Templates and Conditional Logic: Utilize ACF’s conditional logic to manage when and how your CF are displayed. Create tailored templates for different content types for precise layout control;
  • Repeating and Flexible Fields: ACF supports repeating and flexible content fields, allowing for the construction of intricate content structures. This is essential for organizing content that needs multiple similar data entries or varied content formats;
  • CF in User Profiles: Boost user profiles on your site by incorporating CF with ACF. These could include social media links, biographies, or profile images.

By applying ACF to different content types, you ensure a more organized and uniform user experience on your WordPress site. Each content type will be furnished with essential data fields and the flexibility suited to its function.

Navigating ACF Location Rules

Mastering location rules in ACF is key to controlling where CF are displayed on your WordPress site. Here’s how to navigate these rules effectively:

  • Accessing the ACF Panel: Log into your WordPress admin area and select “CF” or “ACF” in the left-hand menu to enter the ACF interface;
  • Field Group Creation or Modification: Initiate a new field group via “Field Groups” then “Add New,” or alter an existing group;
  • Editing a Field Group: To modify an existing group, choose it from the “Field Groups” listing;
  • Establishing Location Rules: Scroll to the “Location” area in the field group settings to set rules defining where your CF will show up;
  • Implementing Location Rules: Add a location rule by clicking “+ Add Rule.” You’ll be presented with various rule groups like “Post Type,” “Page Template,” “Category,” or “User Role.” Select the rule group that aligns with your requirements.

Setting Specific Location Rules:

  • Post Type: Selecting “Post Type” allows you to specify in which types of posts the CF should appear. For instance, if you want your CF to be visible in “Posts” and “Products,” select these post types;
  • Page Template: By choosing “Page Template,” you can determine on which page templates the CF should be displayed. Select the specific template(s) set in your theme;
  • Category: To display CF based on categories, select “Category” and specify which categories should trigger the appearance of the fields;
  • User Role: For more complex scenarios, display fields based on user roles. For example, you might want to show CF only to “Editors” or “Administrators.”;
  • Setting Rule Logic (If Needed): You can set the logic for evaluating multiple rules within a rule group. ACF provides options like “AND” or “OR” to determine whether all rules or any one of the rules in the group need to be satisfied for the fields to be displayed;
  • Adding Multiple Rules (If Needed): You can add multiple rules to a single location group. For instance, you might want to display fields on a certain page template only when a specific category is selected. You can add multiple rules to fulfill these conditions;
  • Save the Field Group: After setting up the location rules, click “Save” to preserve your field group;
  • Add Fields to the Field Group: Now, you can add CF to your field group, as described in previous answers.

By utilizing location rules in ACF, you gain precise control over where and when your CF appear on your WordPress site. This enables a more user-friendly and optimized content editing system for users.

Displaying Field Groups in WordPress

To display field groups and their associated CF in WordPress, template files and ACF functions or template tags are typically used. Here’s how you can display field groups on your WordPress site:

  • Access Field Groups: Ensure that you have created field groups with CF in ACF, as outlined in previous responses;
  • Edit Your Theme’s Template Files: To display CF from field groups, edit the WordPress theme template files (such as single.php, page.php, or a custom template file);
  • Using ACF Template Tags: ACF offers various template tags that allow retrieving and displaying data from CF. Some common template tags you can use include:

get_field(‘field_name’): Use this function to retrieve and display the value of a specific custom field. Replace ‘field_name’ with the name of your custom field.

the_field(‘field_name’): Similar to get_field, this function directly displays the value of a field, instead of returning it. It’s used for immediate output in your templates.

the_sub_field(‘sub_field_name’): In field groups with repeating or flexible content fields, this function displays the values of subfields within these complex fields.

have_rows(‘repeater_field_name’): This function checks for the presence of data rows in a repeater field.

the_row(): Utilize this function within a loop to display data from a repeating or flexible content field.

get_sub_field(‘sub_field_name’): This function retrieves the value of a specific subfield within a repeater or a flexible content field.

Inserting ACF Template Tags into Template Files

In your theme’s template file, insert relevant ACF template tags where you want custom field data to be displayed. For example, to display a custom field named ‘author_name’ in a post, insert the following code within the post loop in the single.php file: <?php the_field(‘author_name’); ?>

  • For repeating fields or conditional logic, use loops and conditional statements to display the data correctly;
  • Customizing Display: You can further tailor the display of custom field data using HTML, CSS, and additional PHP code to structure and style the output to your preference;
  • Save the Template File: After making the necessary changes, save your template file;
  • View the Page: Now, when viewing a page that uses the edited template file (like an individual post or a page with the respective template), the custom field data from your field group will be displayed in the designated area.

Following these steps, you can showcase field groups and CF created with ACF on your WordPress site, enabling you to add and display additional data and content as needed.

Addressing Common Issues with ACF

ACF is a robust plugin for enhancing WordPress site functionality by adding CF to content. However, users may occasionally need help with common issues. Here are some frequent problems and their solutions:

  • Fields Not Displaying on the Front End: If custom fields aren’t showing on the front end, ensure you’ve correctly inserted ACF template tags into your theme’s template files. Check for typos and correct field names;
  • Data Not Saving: If data entered into CF isn’t being saved, it could be due to plugin or theme conflicts. Try deactivating other plugins or switching to a default theme to identify the issue;
  • Resolving Custom Field Visibility Issues in Editing Screen: If your CF aren’t visible when editing, ensure that the field group is correctly assigned to the relevant post type or page template. Additionally, verify that your user role has the necessary permissions to edit these fields;
  • Making CF Appear in Search Results: By default, WordPress search results don’t include CF. To incorporate custom field data in search results, you might need to modify the search query or use a plugin like “ACF Better Search.”;
  • Troubleshooting Conditional Logic in ACF: If ACF’s conditional logic isn’t functioning as expected, double-check your logic rules and field group structure. The effectiveness of conditional logic hinges on precise rule configurations;
  • Addressing Performance Issues: Performance problems, especially with large volumes of custom field data, may necessitate query optimization. Consider implementing caching, limiting the number of fields retrieved, and optimizing your database if needed;
  • Dealing with the White Screen of Death (WSOD): Encountering a WSOD after installing or updating ACF could be due to conflicts with other plugins or your theme. Disabling other plugins or switching to a default theme can help identify the issue;
  • Translating Fields on Multilingual Sites: On multilingual sites using plugins like WPML or Polylang, ensure you’ve translated the labels and content of CF. Some translation plugins might require additional setup to work with ACF;
  • Preventing Field Group Loss During Migration: When migrating a site, custom field groups might be lost. To prevent this, export ACF settings using “ACF Tools” or ACF’s export feature and import them to the new site;
  • Handling Repeating Field Complications: Working with repeating fields can sometimes be challenging. Ensure you use the correct loops and subfield functions for proper data display. Tackle any issues step by step;
  • Outdated or Incompatible Plugins/Themes: Always use the latest version of ACF. Outdated versions might not fully comply with newer versions of WordPress or other plugins;
  • Server Configuration Issues: Some hosting environments might have restrictions affecting ACF functionality. Check with your hosting provider to confirm if your server environment is compatible with ACF.

When addressing problems with ACF, it’s often beneficial to identify the root cause. This can involve deactivating other plugins, switching to the default theme, and reviewing template files for syntax errors. If the issue persists, consider seeking assistance from the ACF support community or the plugin’s official support resources.

Recreating Standard Custom Fields Using ACF

WordPress features standard CF for storing additional information for posts, pages, and other content types. These include fields like “Custom Field” and “Post Thumbnail.” To replicate these standard fields using ACF, follow these steps:

  • Install and Activate ACF: If ACF isn’t already installed and activated on your WordPress site, do so first;
  • Create a New Field Group: In the ACF control panel, click on “Field Groups” and then “Add New” to create a new field group;
  • Add CF: For a “Custom Field” (post meta), click “Add Field” in your field group. Set a name, label, and select an appropriate field type, often “Text” for simple data. You can also configure additional field parameters, like a default value, and then save your field;
  • To recreate a “Post Thumbnail,” ACF provides an “Image” field type. Add a new field, select “Image” as the field type, and adjust the settings to meet your needs. You might leave the “Return Format” as “Image URL” or choose another format that suits your requirements;
  • Configure Field Group Settings: Use the “Location” rules in the field group settings to specify where these CF should appear. For instance, link them to posts, pages, or custom post types;
  • Create a Rule for Standard Posts: To add these fields to regular posts, create a rule like “Post Type is equal to Post.”;
  • Save Your Field Group: After setting up, save your field group;
  • Editing Posts or Pages with CF: Now, when editing a post or page of the specified type, the CF created with ACF will be displayed;
  • Displaying Custom Field Data: To show the data from these CF on the front end of your site, utilize ACF template tags like get_field(‘field_name’) in your theme’s template files.

Following these steps, you can effectively use ACF to replicate and utilize standard CF, enhancing the flexibility and functionality of your WordPress site.

By following these steps, you can recreate standard CF like “Custom Field” and “Post Thumbnail” using ACF, gaining enhanced control over their configuration and application on your WordPress site.

Displaying Custom Fields in WordPress with ACF

To display CF created with ACF in your WordPress theme, you can use ACF template tags and functions in your theme files. Here’s how to do it:

  • Accessing Field Data: In your WordPress theme directory, open the template file where you need to display the custom field data. This could be single.php for individual posts, page.php for individual pages, or a custom template file if you’re working with a custom post type;
  • Utilizing ACF Template Tags: ACF offers various template tags and functions for retrieving and displaying custom field data. Some commonly used template tags include:
  1. get_field(‘field_name’): This function retrieves the value of a specific custom field. Replace ‘field_name’ with the name of your custom field;
  2. the_field(‘field_name’): Similar to get_field, but instead of returning, it directly displays the field’s value;
  3. get_sub_field(‘sub_field_name’): Used for getting the value of a specific subfield within a repeater or flexible content field;
  4. have_rows(‘repeater_field_name’): Checks for the presence of data rows in a repeater field;
  5. the_row(): Utilized within a loop to display data from a repeating field or flexible content field.
  • Inserting ACF Template Tags into Template Files: Place the relevant ACF template tags in the template file where the custom field data needs to be displayed. For instance, if you have a custom field named ‘author_name’ and want to show it in a post, insert the following code into the post loop: <?php the_field(‘author_name’); ?>

If working with repeating fields or conditional logic, loops, and conditional statements may be necessary for accurate data display.

  • Customizing Display: You can further customize the display of custom field data using HTML, CSS, and additional PHP code to structure and style the output to fit your preferences;
  • Save the Template File: After adding ACF template tags and adjusting the display settings, save your template file;
  • Page viewing: After editing the template file, when you view a page using that template (such as an individual post or a page with a specific template), the ACF custom field data will be displayed in the chosen location.

With these steps, you can effortlessly retrieve and display custom field data using ACF tags and functions, enhancing your WordPress site by integrating additional information into posts, pages, or custom post types.

Styling Custom Field Sections in WordPress

Styling sections of CF in WordPress, particularly those created with plugins like ACF, can seamlessly integrate additional content into your site’s design. Here are some steps to effectively style custom field sections:

  • Examine HTML Structure: Begin by exploring the HTML structure of custom field sections using your browser’s developer tools. This will help you understand which HTML elements and classes are associated with these sections;
  • Add Custom CSS: In your WordPress theme, create or edit a CSS file (usually style.css) to add your custom styles. This can be done by accessing the theme directory or using WordPress Customizer, if your theme has a custom CSS field;
  • Utilize Specific CSS Selectors: To style custom field sections, you typically need specific CSS selectors to target the custom field elements that need styling. Here are some common selectors;
  • Styling Field Labels: You can target the label associated with a field using CSS. For example, to style the label of a field named ‘author_name’, use the following selector:
label[for="acf-author_name"] {
    /* Your styling rules here */
  • Styling Field Inputs: To style the input area or content of a custom field, you can use a selector as shown below:

input#acf-author_name, textarea#acf-author_name, select#acf-author_name 

  • Styling Repeating and Flexible Content: If working with repeating or flexible content fields, you might want to style the repeating sections. Do this by reviewing the HTML structure and using appropriate selectors.
  • Use ACF CSS Classes (if available): ACF often adds specific CSS classes to custom field elements. Check the HTML output of your CF, and if ACF includes CSS classes, you can use them for more precise styling of the fields;
  • Testing and Previewing: After applying your custom CSS, it’s crucial to test it on your site and preview how the custom field sections appear. Adjustments may be needed to align with specific design requirements;
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your custom field sections are responsive, so they adapt well across different screen sizes and devices;
  • Custom JavaScript (Optional): Sometimes, you might need JavaScript to add dynamic behavior or interactivity to custom field sections. For instance, JavaScript can show/hide sections based on user interaction or validate field values in real time;
  • Saving Styles: Remember to save your CSS changes in your theme’s stylesheet;
  • Backups and Documentation: Always back up your theme files before making significant changes. Additionally, document your CSS changes and comments for future reference;
  • Plugin and Theme Updates: Keep in mind that updates to your WordPress theme or the ACF plugin could affect the styling of your custom field sections. Always review and adjust styles after major updates to maintain design consistency.

By following these steps and using specific CSS selectors, you can effectively style custom field sections in WordPress to match your site’s design and user preferences.


Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a powerful plugin for WordPress, offering unparalleled flexibility in managing and displaying content. It enables the creation of unique and engaging websites, enhancing the user experience for both site owners and visitors.

  • ACF allows you to break free from the limitations of standard WordPress fields, enabling content creation tailored to specific user needs. You’ve learned how to install, create CF, and display them in your WordPress theme. Additionally, you’ve gained insights into optimization and explored the advanced capabilities of ACF;
  • As you continue your WordPress journey, keep ACF in your toolkit to meet the evolving demands of web projects. Understanding and utilizing the features of this remarkable plugin will help you become an expert in WordPress content management.

Remember, the key to successful ACF use lies in balance. Wisely utilize its features to create exceptional sites that are not only visually appealing but also functionally efficient. Whether you’re an experienced developer or new to WordPress, ACF will undoubtedly expand your content management capabilities and assist in achieving your goals.

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